Sunday, March 22, 2020

How can you plan to achieve your current Goal - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / How can you plan to achieve your current Goal - Introvert Whisperer How can you plan to achieve your current Goal? My favourite quote is Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail. A quote that always keeps me on my toes and helps me plan better in life. When it comes to meeting a Goal I like to think of my end goal as a Destination and the path to attain the Goal as a journey. However, goal setting and goal achievement are different things. A majority of people drop their goals in the middle because they have no clear plan or it is too much of an inconvenience to reach a goal. Are Your Goals Worth Your Dedication?       As per an article published on inc, 92% of people fail to achieve their goals. (source) Worse Businesses fail when they do not plan. As per a recent survey, inadequate planning is the first reason for  business failures in Australia. Well! Thats a ridiculously high failure rate. Do you know the reason behind the failure? To start with, most of the goals are set emotionally and not rationally. To give you an example you see your colleague from office buy a luxurious car and you driven by emotions, set a goal to obtain a better car. Now, thats one unrealistic Goal with no clear road map. Secondly, the goals we set are without a clear plan. We the mortals set goals without realising the hard work it requires to reach a goal. Whatever your Goal is (small or big), you must be clear about the possible outcomes and consequences. A long journey cant be covered without a proper plan. Are you struggling with meeting your Goal? I have spent years failing to meet my goals until I decided to take things in my hand and follow the simple steps to reaching my Goal. Here are some simple-to-follow steps to planning and achieving your Goals:     Write Down Your Goals:   Does it sound like a no-brainer? Its not! The logic behind writing is to tame our fickle mind that changes its goalposts based on situations. Once you have it written in front of your eyes you can be focussed and not change the Goal at your convenience. Just note down the reasons (that inspired you to make these goals), and the outcomes (that you are expecting to get) -It will inspire you to keep going with your work. You might as well stick this note in front of your work desk. It wont let you forget about your goals. 8% of people  amalgamate their long-term and short-term goals to reach the Destination. And 14% of the population has plans, but they dont write it. Only 3% of people note down their goals. Just by writing your Goal, you are putting yourself in a small percentage of the population that has taken the first step to meet their goals. I will take a real-life example to help you carefully follow the steps. Lets say I want to buy a home of 1.1 Million USD in 5 years. Thats my Goal. I will write it here again I want to buy a home of 1.1 Million USD in 5 years. Analyse the Challenges:   Time to move a step forward. Write all the challenges you might face while achieving the Goal and how you plan to tackle them. Its evident that you will face a lot of problems along your way. Believe me- the more problems youd face, the more mature youd become. Indeed, you cant figure out all the challenges in advance. Let me demonstrate the above with an example. Lets assume it is a realistic goal, and my salary can cover the EMIs after I gather 200K USD as a down payment. The challenges I might face are: Not being able to save enough every month to meet the down payment goal. I have been indiscipline in the past with the small savings goal. I will have to stick to clear, small saving goals to meet the ultimate Goal. Some of my money is invested in the stock market, and though I am expecting a decent return on it to contribute to my down payment goal, the market might fluctuate, and I might not get the returns as expected. I need to plan for any medical expense that is not covered by my insurance as any medical emergency can put a big dent in my pocket and will not help me reach my Goal. Now, set up a road map or plan based on the challenges you might face back-up plans accordingly. Time to set the Strategy:   You have completed all the groundwork. Now, its time to make a step-by-step strategy to execute your plans. For example: In my case, the Strategy revolves around saving enough, keeping a tight leash on my monthly expenses, and moving forward with discipline. By executing these small steps, you get nearer to accomplishing the right steps to reach the Goal: Find out the stepping stones for your purposes. Divide more significant tasks into small manageable actions. Make a routine and allocate different tasks to different times of a day. Write down your strategies with their desired outcomes. Start executing the task and work consistently. Mark the tasks that have been completed. Follow the steps, and you will enjoy your journey. For instance, if you want to be a successful blogger, you can divide the tasks into something like below: Choosing a niche Analysing your competitors sites Designing your site Finding out topics, keywords, and all Content writing and content marketing and so on Track Your Progress:   Measure your performance time-to-time to check your progress. Make a daily routine for assessment. In my case, I would check for the money I have saved and how I have saved every month to track my progress. If you are improving, you are on the right track. Otherwise, its time to re-assess your strategies and modify it. If you feel one strategy is no longer serving your purpose, change it immediately. Sticking to it and waiting for success will waste your time and delay your progress. Starting a journey is always exciting. However, the challenge is to keep going with the same enthusiasm. You need to bear the ups and downs throughout the journey, which might come at a cost (emotional and financial). There is a good chance that you will run out of motivation, especially when things are not going as per your expectations. What do you do in the face of adversity? Find the exact problem and seek a long term solution. Short term fixes never help. Watch inspiring videos or read biographies of successful -people to keep you motivated. Whenever you get stuck somewhere, recall the results that will be waiting for you after these struggles.  Learn to Accept Failures as failures help you learn and succeed better. Always remember Rome wasnt built in a day. Have patience and follow a routine. You are closer to your Destination than you anticipated. The majority of people are not persistent and give us before they reach their Goal. Dont make this mistake. Keep on working until you fulfill your dreams. Wrapping Up   If youre determined about your goals, you have crossed the first step. However, determination only works when it is complemented with persistence and perseverance. Author Bio

Friday, March 6, 2020

Volcanoes - How They Are Formed And How They Erupt

Volcanoes - How They Are Formed And How They Erupt Volcano is a part of scientific study and science is always interesting. Especially more so when it has to do with natural phenomena. For instance, how earthquakes happen, how are volcanoes formed, what are they made of etc. This is something curious and intriguing and a lot of fun to learn as it is something that happens in real life! So, what are volcanoes made of and why. How do they erupt is the topic of discussion here; read on to learn more. How are volcanoes formed? The earth as we all know has a lot of layers underneath and one of its layers is called the mantle. The mantle is a layer that lies between the molten iron core. It has a thin crusty surface. The mantle is essentially formed of rocks and these rocks are always in slow motion. These rocks aka the tectonic plates move to and fro. They sometimes sink into the core and then this sort of a sinking phenomenon happens. The plates become very hot so much so that the rock melts. This molten rock or the magma moves forward towards the surface of the earth. This widens the cracks and this molten material is what is known as the lava. As layers of lava build up, voila, a volcano is formed. There are many different kinds of lava flows Yes! This is true and in fact this is often the very topic that many kids take up for their science projects. Volcanoes are a fascinating phenomenon. Many kids seek the help of online science tutors to work on interesting projects related to them (for their science fairs and assignments of course!). Now, before getting back to the kinds of lava there are, we need to understand how volcanoes erupt. How do volcanoes erupt? Due to pressure build up, magma overflows. The volcano erupts into a lava flow on the surface of the earth. With layers and layers of magma piling up and pushing down due to gravity. The gasses inside push the magma up and this causes the eruption of the volcano (when the pressure build up is high enough). Pyroclastic eruptions These happen when there is dissolution of gases and water in the magma. When the gas pressure is more, the magma disintegrates into rocks, lava and this sort of an eruption is explosive in nature. Sheet Lava With up to a thickness of anywhere from 10-30 metres, this kind of lava flow is very fast and fill lower areas like a blanker or a sheet. The other kinds are Aa lava, Block lavas and Pahoehoe. Volcanoes are dormant for thousands of years together and the science behind their formation and eruption has fascinated many for years! Whether it is as part of science homework help online or science assignment help, students continue to seek information about this natural phenomenon. We hope this blog sheds some info about volcanoes and how they are formed and how they erupt. Watch this space for more such interesting blogs.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Chemistry Online Tutors Crack Compounds and Elements with Ease

Chemistry Online Tutors â€" Crack Compounds and Elements with Ease 0SHARESShare Are the doors of Chemistry shut upon you? Get online help and know the secrets of Chemistry. Tutor Pace opens its doors for you to usher in and understand the language of Chemistry. Chemistry Online Tutors-unfolding the magic of Chemistry Whenever you touch Chemistry, Atoms and Molecules expect you to work wonders with them. But you know not a, b, c, d, of them and there lies your miserable failure. Avail the services of Chemistry Online Tutors in Tutor Pace. They would teach the basics of these topics and make you learn the key concepts with ease. Similarly, when your lab reports tantalize you with their results of Chemical Reactions, the tutors show their helping hand to determine the results and prep proper reports. Chemistry Homework Help-fine job done by our tutors Chemical bonding and equalizing equations need expert handling and Tutor Pace’s tutors provide the expected help. They are especially helpful in areas like Stoichiometry or Thermo chemistry and physical Chemistry when you approach them for Chemistry Homework Help. You feel safe to score high grades that would push you to the helm of the class. Chemistry tutoring-needed in its essence As far as Chemistry learning is concerned, you could not stop with classroom listening. You miss a link, you miss everything.  Chemistry Tutoring from Tutor Pace is an advantageous offer for you to clarify your doubts and understand the topics in their essence. Tutor pace rolls up distinguished tutoring services through its Chemistry Online Tutors. [starbox id=admin]

What is it Like to Attend The Ohio State University

What is it Like to Attend The Ohio State University The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teach theyre sharing their college experiences as well. Noor is a Chicago tutor who specializes in Spanish tutoring, English tutoring, and Test-Taking Strategies tutoring. He graduated from The Ohio State University in 2011 with a degree in Arts and Sciences, specifically in International Relations and Diplomacy and Spanish. Check out what he had to say about his school: VT: Describe the campus setting and transportation options.How urban or safe is the campus?Are there buses or do you need a car/bike? Noor: Ohio State is a pretty urban campus. As far as Columbus goes, campus sits comfortably near the center of the city. In this sense, it's mostly safe, but a little rough around the edges. Campus security stays vigilant, though. As far as getting to classes on time, I recommend having a bike or taking a bus, which is really easy as OSU has its own bus system and plenty of bike racks all over campus. I say this because the campus is big - really, really big. Walking could easily get tiring. VT: How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Noor: All faculty members have rather open office hours, which they're apt to inform students of. But outside of office hours, email is the only way to contact most professors and advisers. I found that anytime I needed to speak with a professor, I didn't have a problem communicating with them. VT: How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Noor: Dorm life at OSU varies slightly based on what part of campus you're living in. Again, the campus is really big, so it's commonly separated by location - North Campus, South Campus, and West Campus. I lived on South Campus where most of the freshman dorms are, and it was an excellent place to meet people and get a feel for the campus in general. I'd say it's the same all over campus, but North and West Campus have a smaller concentration of freshmen than South Campus does. All parts of campus are close to class buildings and sport various dining halls, ranging from Mexican to Asian to hearty, American-style buffets - the palate never finds itself bored. Rooms are what you'd expect from a dorm. They're slightly cramped, but have enough wiggle room to satisfy even the most claustrophobic student. VT: Which majors/programs are best represented and supported?What did you study and why? Did the university do a good job supporting your particular area of study? Noor: While most majors and programs are rather well supported, Business, Law, and Medicine are the most supported. I also found that Art and Music had a rather large representation. OSU has its own hospital, Business School (The Fisher School of Business), and Law School (Moritz College of Law), as well as an art-gallery-meets-art-campus in the Wexner Center. There are also specific buildings for many other majors and programs, such as Architecture, Engineering, and Language. OSU is very diverse. I dual-majored in International Studies and Spanish, but that was due to interests I had and professors I met that guided me in that direction. I found that the university did a wonderful job supporting my majors, as highly influential and intelligent professors populated both fields of study. I can easily say that most of the professors that I had impacted both my life and thought process for the better. VT: How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Noor: Due to the nature of the dorms and freshman campus life, it was stupendously easy to make friends and meet people. As a matter of fact, many of the friends I have today are friends that I met freshman year. There are myriad social events on campus all throughout the year, including free concerts, barbecues, and so much more that would take decades to list. Campus is constantly bustling with activity. Greek life plays a role, but not an overpowering one. All of the fraternities and sororities are located off campus, and while there are many, I wouldn't say that they're inextricable with campus life. VT: How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services?Do many reputable companies recruit on campus? Noor: Quite a few reputable companies recruit on campus, especially around the Business School. Also, being that Columbus is not only a huge test market for the country, but also home to the headquarters of many businesses, finding a career in the Columbus area is pretty easy. The student union also abounds with career fairs and opportunities for involvement and securing internships. The Career Center is staffed by genuine, helpful people whose aim is seeing students succeed, and professors and advisors were always, in my experience, ready to help and guide. VT: How are the various study areas such aslibraries, student union, and dorm lounges? Are they over-crowded, easily available, spacious? Noor: As I've stated a few times already, The Ohio State University is big, and everything about it is also big. The main library and the student union were both recently remodeled and are in impeccable shape; the library boasts 11 floors and the union is a sprawling expanse of possibilities. There is ample space for studying and a plethora of resources to utilize. As far as the dorm lounges, they're great, but a bit more readily occupied. I would definitely recommend doing work in either the main library or the union. VT: Describe the surrounding town. What kinds of outside establishments / things to do are there that make it fun, boring, or somewhere in between?To what extent do students go to the downtown area of the city versus staying near campus? Noor: Columbus is a wonderful town, pockmarked with so many options for diversion that it borders on overwhelming. In every direction there are restaurants, cafes, lounges, malls, and everything else the mind can conjure. Columbus is a very diverse city; near campus, there are restaurants encompassing almost every ethnicity and nationality. A very hip and young district lies just south of campus, called The Short North. It's a veritable haven for students, filled with cheap places to eat or hang out, and it also hosts a weekly event called Gallery Hop, which is essentially an art show. Students are often found all over the city, because Columbus is very spread out and every part of it offers a different experience. Fun doesn't even begin to describe it. One will never find himself bored, and it's almost too easy to avoid doing the same thing twice. VT: How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Noor: Ohio State competes with Arizona State for holding the record for the largest student body in the country with nearly 50,000 students. This sounds overwhelmingly large at first, and while the sheer amount of students is easily noticeable, class sizes are rather manageable. Of course, GECs that take place in lecture halls can contain upwards of 500 students, but most major-specific classes are a decent size. I never felt like I was overcrowded in any class, and I believe that the professors there understand the amount of students they have very well, and do their best to accommodate to all of them. So, I was rather pleased with the typical class size, which, outside of GECs, never really exceeded 30-40 students, and sometimes even less. VT: Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Noor: My freshman year, I had a Spanish professor that truly shaped my mind for what I'm doing now. She was incredibly inspiring and did her utmost to culture and educate us, her students. I still maintain contact with her today, and the imprint she left on me is one that I will never regret. She encouraged me to pursue language and international education, and instilled in me the courage to take the risks I needed to take in order to further myself. Check out Noors tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Dont Let Fear Get the Better of You during Physics Tests

Don’t Let Fear Get the Better of You during Physics Tests 0SHARESShare Physics, for some students leads to poor confidence and fear which can cause havoc during exams and render you helpless. You may find yourself stressed and this could stop you from answering questions that are right up your alley! A methodical approach to learning the subject can help boost your confidence levels and can do wonders to improve your grades. If you feel thoroughly intimidated by the subject and simply can’t study by yourself, the best thing for you to do would be to work with online physics tutors. We have compiled a couple of tips that can help you learn physics concepts better and master them; read on. #1: As always basics of physics are important If you arent very confident in this area, work on your basic concepts and seek help from experts as and when required. You could either take a look at basics as and when you require or spend some time with it first with the help of online physics tutoring experts. Such an approach is healthy and will contribute to better learning in the long run. #2: Math is the key to improving your physics grades Invariably, you have to rely on math for derivations or problem solving and the two subjects are very closely connected. If your math requires work too, better get on it first! Without good math skills, it would be really difficult for you to work with physics. #3: Understand how complex physics formula are derived Some equations could be straight forward and easy to remember. However, there are many complex formula and equations that simply cannot be understood without effort. Don’t try the rote learning way; it won’t help you solve problems! Try to understand how the equation has been derived and try to do it yourself. This sort of an approach will help you wrap your head around the concept better. #4: Work on problems on a daily basis Even when you haven’t been assigned any homework, it is advisable to take up a concept daily and work on problems. Problems help you understand the underlying concepts easily and practice is required to get them right in exams. If you are struggling with problem solving, get in touch with an expert tutor for physics homework help and get all your doubts clarified. Doing this on a daily basis will certainly help you improve your confidence level. We also recommend that you take up mock tests and work on your assignments diligently to score better in your exams. Being better prepared will do wonders for your confidence levels and will certainly help you beat fear and score well. Good Luck!

A Guitarists Guide to Odd Time Signatures

A Guitarists Guide to Odd Time Signatures Megan L. Do you know how to count music in odd time signatures? Guitar teacher  Joe L.  breaks down the basics that guitarists need to know about playing in unusual times Timing is something that most guitarists have to pick up early in playing music. Playing in time is very important; it may be the most important quality and skill you can develop and improve upon as you continue learning to play guitar. If youre looking at a piece of music, the time signature is the two numbers that look like a fraction at the beginning of the piece. These numbers tell you how to count time in the piece youre going to play. The two most popular time signatures are 4/4 (1-2-3-4) and 3/4 (1-2-3-1-2-3).  People can naturally follow along with these time signatures, but what happens when the timing is different? Many newer musicians can get lost trying to play along with others who are playing in an odd time like 7/8. But there are some simple tricks you can do to play in time with strange grooves. Time Signatures in 5 For example, when playing in 5/4, you can count (1-2-3-4-5), (1-2-1-2-3) or (1-2-3-1-2).   By doing so, you will break down the structure to the timing, and you can then split it into two parts: 1-2 and then 1-2-3 (or the other way around: 1-2-3 and then 1-2). Youll find the groove in there somewhere (depending on how the music that youre playing goes) by recognizing where the accent is (the beat that gets stressed or emphasized) in the song. You can get very imaginative when breaking the rhythm down, such as (1-2-3-4-1). Here are some examples of popular songs in 5. Halloween Theme (Main Title) (from Halloween) by John Carpenter Mission Impossible Theme by Lalo Schifrin Time Signatures in 7 In 7/8, you can break the rhythm down into (1-2-3-1-2-1-2) or (1-2-1-2-1-2-3).  You can also use (1-2-3-1-2-3-1) or (1-2-1-2-1-1-2).  Again, listen for the accent notes to figure out how to break up your counts.   Get creative on how you can break these rhythms down; my examples arent the only methods. Below are a couple of popular tunes in 7. Dreaming in Metaphors by Seal Die To Live by Steve Vai With other times, such as 11, you can break them down in multiple ways, for example (1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4-1-2-3), (1-2-3-1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4) or (1-2-3-4-1-2-3-1-2-3-4). A suggestion to getting better playing in odd times is to use a metronome in the time youre trying to learn. Or, you can look up drum tracks in odd times online, and play with them until you start finding yourself feeling the rhythm and playing in the groove. These unusual time signatures arent found too often, but when they are used, they can be the most recognizable pieces youve heard. Before you try to tackle these odd times with chords and scales, try muting the strings and work it out until you feel these grooves. It helps a lot to tackle only the rhythm first before trying to incorporate the chords. Once you feel comfortable strumming in odd time signatures, you can then start adding in chords and scales to really start jamming! Good luck! For more help learning the basics of guitar, taking lessons from a private teacher is the best way to improve. Find your guitar teacher now! Joe L. teaches guitar lessons in New York, NY. He has been teaching guitar for 15 years and in his teaching he focuses on breaking down music theory to make learning music easy and accessible for all his students. Learn more about Joe here.   Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by  Jen Gallardo

What Color is the Dress An English Listening Exercise

What Color is the Dress An English Listening Exercise Ok, so if youve been on the internet anytime recently, youve probably heard about the dress below. THE dress.The question is, do you see a white and gold dress, or a black and blue dress? I avoided checking this dress out for a few weeks, even as I saw everyone I knew posting about it on Facebook. Finally a friend assured me that it was really worth checking out. As it turns out, I see a gold and white dress, my wife and daughter are sure its blue and black. What do you think? Watch the video below to learn about why people see it differently, then see if you can answer the listening questions.Answer the questions in comments, and well make corrections.1. Alright, so the world has ______ become _____ divided on this dress.2. ____ ___ __ ___ we have team black and blue, __ ___ ___ team white and gold.3. ___ ___ ___ ___, we both saw black and blue.4. What does the idiomatic expression above mean?5. What did they think about the dress at first?6. Why do the squares on the cube appear to be different colors?7. How do they explain why different people see different colors on the dress?8. From a _____ _____ the dress is blue.9. Finally, what color do you think the dress is?

Huntington Learning Center Shares Common Academic Pitfalls of High School Students

Huntington Learning Center Shares Common “Academic Pitfalls” of High School Students High school is a different world when it comes to academicsand for many students, it can mark the beginning of academic problems or exacerbate issues that were minor in middle school. According to Eileen Huntington, co-founder of Huntington Learning Center, parents can help their teens avoid such academic pitfallsif they know the signs. High school is a time when parents need to pay very careful attention to what is going on with their teen in school because they will be more removed from the classroom than they ever have been, says Huntington. Communication with your teen and teachers is important, as is watching your teens grades and demeanor overall. Huntington shares five academic pitfalls that can plague students in high schooland tips on what to do if you notice your teen falling into any of them. Slacking off High school offers an abundance of opportunities to meet new people, get involved and have fun. For some students, that can have a negative impact on their motivation and/or commitment to their studies. If you notice your teen spending a disproportionate amount of time on his or her social life (vs. school) and poor grades come home early in the school year, talk about how to put a plan into place that will help your teen find a better balance. Apathy Some intelligent students get to high school and lose their sense of responsibility (especially without as much nudging from parents). Does your teen seem to lack self-discipline and independence when it comes to school work and studying? Does your teen rush through homework, often leaving it incomplete? Students who become lazy in high school need intervention immediately. With the help of your teens teachers, you can set goals and a study plan to achieve them (as well as a follow-up plan). With time and effort, your teen will begin to understand how his or her actions affect school achievement. Effort that doesnt yield results In high school, its normal to expect that your teen will spend more time on homework. However, if you observe that your teens hard work is not yielding positive results or that simple homework is taking more time than seems reasonable, you should investigate whether there are gaps in your teens skills causing him or her to struggle. Disorganization Up until high school, many students lean on the help of teachers and parents to stay organized and on top of everything. However, some teens who are otherwise capable students become overwhelmed by the volume of high school work. If your teen suddenly has difficulty keeping track of homework, maintaining a neat study space, or making the most of each study session, he or she may need help establishing effective study and organizational habits. Avoidance Avoidance of school work can take many forms, but the most obvious is procrastination. If your teen consistently puts off work until late at night or avoids planning ahead for big, important projects, theres no doubt that this will quickly become a major problem in high school. Pay attention to whether the issue is with all subjects or one in particular. High school definitely steps up the academic challenge. Huntington reminds parents to take note of how their teen handles the change. Most parents are intuitive enough to recognize when there is a problem with their children, but it isnt always easy to know exactly whats going on, she says. If you have a child in high school and you sense issues arising, call Huntington. No problem is too big to overcome, and we can help your teen get and stay on the right track.